Future Students
What is Systems Biology?
Living systems - be they single cells, multicellular organisms, plants or animals, communities of interdependent individuals, or human societies – are comprised of complex networks of interacting agents whose collective activities determine the behavior, development and evolution of the entire system. In all cases, the behavior of the system transcends the properties of its parts and is rarely understood by intuitive reasoning alone. Systems biologists approach the intellectual and practical challenges presented by living systems by a combination of theoretical, mathematical, computational and experimental tools to describe, simulate and understand these networks of interacting agents that underlie the basic biology of living things.
The Division of Systems Biology at Virginia Tech offers a B.S. degree program that trains undergraduate students in the ideas, methodologies and tools of modern systems biology, including a rigorous research experience and professional development. Emphasis is placed on the theoretical/computational tools and experimental methods necessary to understand living organisms as systems of closely interacting parts of increasing complexity (genes, proteins, cells, tissues, organs).
Why Should You Apply?
The degree will prepare VT students for exciting careers in cutting-edge biomedical industries or for advanced training in the most competitive graduate programs in systems or computational biology. The program offers students the flexibility of tailoring their training toward life or physical sciences, based on how their interests evolve as they advance through the undergraduate program.
Want To Visit?
Chat with an advisor by emailing Melanie at msison90@vt.edu. In-person appointments are also available!